After riding his beloved Elegy for a bit and listening to his favorite Radio Los Santos, Karl expressed his dissatisfaction: “What the hell are you selling me, man? It's going to smell like lead in here." After thinking over the words of Cidoji, I la...
Well, here is the final version of Elegy: Drift Masters. Added Elegy with a bumper to those who are not satisfied with a car without a front bumper. This time I fixed the bug with vinyls (now you can put them) Added a mini spoiler. Transparent ho...
HQLSA [High Quality Light San Andreas] v 1.1 The mod replaces the textures of car headlights - on and off. Armed with a camera, I went to take pictures ... As a result, I scraped together some textures. Having worked on them in Photoshop, I got the r...
This is my version of the Ford Sierra RS500 Cosworth, includes a full paint job and a few extra exterior pieces removed. So far this is a BETA version and a lot more will be changed. Authors Original model and texture - Chong McBong Retexture - Gu...