GTA V-ar Pegassi Lampo K20 Carbon Features: - Good model; - Good textures; - There is an Android version; - Easy LOD; - Flat shadow; - Parts are damaged; - Reflections in the style of GTA 5; - Adaptation to IVF211; - Not tested in SAMP-MTA; - Teste...
Shagohod from Metal Gear Solid 3 Walker is a driving vehicle created in the Soviet Union as a mobile nuclear complex. Features: - Good quality model; - Good quality textures; - Replaces: Dumper; - Good quality exterior; - Adaptation to RenderHoo...
GTA V Willard Faction Features: - Good model; - Good textures; - Two versions; - Version IVF (original light sources, dirt in the style of GTA 4 and GTA 5); - San Andreas version (lights and dirt SA); - Both versions adapted to IVF; - Reflections...