We meet one single Honda Accord Wagon for the whole runet again - there is one single minus there is no damage, I don’t know why s13 does this, but still something is better than nothing.
I have seen more than once that people on the forums and on various GTA resources write, please make Nissan Sunny so here it is, one of the Japanese authors of S13 heard you in general, ride, evaluate and enjoy the game.
MX 2000 from Driver:PL. Made at the request of gumpertu27a. Features: -Unique driving properties (pleasant to steer) -All SA features: Headlights, muffler, painting, tuning, gas tank (right rear fender) -Original textures and Objectu27s from Driver (...
The well-known Toyota Crown, the so-called ship. The quality is not up to par, but still, there is one single minus, there is no damage, in everything else there are only positive advantages. The screenshot is not my own, since mine weigh more than o...