Gang Proffesional from Battlefield Hardline. Features: -Hi-Res textures -Normal Map -ENV -MipMapping - Locked .txd files -Hi-Poly model -Fixed all defects - Locked .dff files -Correct weapon position in hands -Skin is standing on the ground, not flyi...
Gang Technician from the game Battlefield Hardline. Features: Hi-Res textures; Normal Map; ENV; MipMapping; .txd files are blocked; Hi-Poly model; All defects have been fixed; .dff files are blocked; Correct position of the wea...
I present to you the "Random Skin" Initially, I made it as a private one, but now it's not about that. The skin is more or less well tuned, the hands can bend, but they do not hold the barrel very correctly. Features: * Should work in samp [teste...