This is a wonderful pack of our favorite heroes from Madagascar. I am not the author of the file. I just collected all this in one archive. Download, evaluate.
DLC The Lost And Damned v1 for GTA San Andreas. - DLC on the theme of bikers from GTA 4 The Lost and Damned. - DLC replaces standard gang members with bikers from GTA 4 The Lost and Damned, and also replaces not only NPCs, but also characters from m...
The main characters RE5 Chris and Sheva for GTA San Andreas. P.S. there is no such Chris as in the archive on this site, there is a similar one, but he has a jamb with fingers, and the one in the archive has everything fixed, besides, he is much bet...
Hi all. I present to you a pack of VC skins from GTA UNDERGROUND. The pack is quite large, so select any of the models and rename it, and then replace it. Features: - Adjusted skeletal animation. - Hold the weapon correctly in their hands. - SA Sty...