A big pack of spiderman this time from the game Web Of Shadow, the pack contains about 70 costumes for the spider. Separately, I would like to thank Sosiska and other people who made these divine textures. (P.S. In our VK group you can watch the trai...
A new girl in a bikini to replace the old one. Unlike my previous works, the body model was not taken from the HGEC mod for Oblivion or Type3 for FallOut3, but was made by me, based on a model not used in FallOut3. A lot was changed, from the volume...
Skin replacing everyone's favorite character Sweet. I did not make it different, I just improved it to my taste. I don't think he needs anything else. Have a good game!
US soldier, envelope from America's Army Proving Grounds (Beta). - Satisfactory quality. - The bones are more or less in place. - an envelope without glaring bugs.