This storyline is about three friends living in a black neighborhood. Under pressure from Colombians and local dealers, they decide to form their own gang to protect themselves and their neighborhood. Who cares about the theme of black quarters, do...
The second version of the script that expands the camera's field of view is enabled automatically when the game starts. Activate/deactivate Ctrl+1. Fixed bugs, the script works in SAMP and in single without problems. If you take a sniper rifle or a c...
Sai is a stiletto-type piercing bladed melee weapon. Traditionally for residents of Okinawan (Japan). It is believed that the sai originated from a trident for loosening the earth. Subsequently, it began to be used as a paired weapon, the third sai ...
The modification adds the ability to teleport to four secret places: - Liberty City - Cellar - Saint Mark's Bistro - The ghost town (as it is called) there are a lot of them. Rate and comment. No program teleports to these places (I checked). And in...
His name is unknown, he can't be caught... Everyone calls him Chameleon - he masterfully disappears into the crowd, disguises himself ... He does everything so quietly - Like a ghost. There is 1 mission in the archive, write in the comments if it is...
These are new adventures about CJs, well, a little detective suite and CJs are going to make a deal with a very rich client, the deal was almost suddenly attacked by balas and CJs with the suite are running, and the key disappears, just download it a...
Continuation of missions: "Important mission". In them you will again have to play for the professional pilot Fred. The general learned that the enemy is preparing an attack, but there is a way out: Attack him first. But in these missions, you will o...
Loading screens in the style of NARUTO - you never know suddenly someone likes it, so I decided to make it -New loading screens -New menu -New Nvidia logo -New cursor