Plot : The story begins with the fact that “GG”’s father, a lawyer, goes to the police on a rainy day to hand over incriminating evidence on the “so-called” - a group of hired killers who are guilty of many crimes against civilians. But on the way ...
Good day. I present to you - Project Underground Alpha 1.0! Underground Street Racing (Project Underground) - A large modification slowly developed by me in my spare time. The essence of the project is to transfer the map and atmosphere from the NFS...
We present you an international Russian-Brazilian project! Myth_maker 2.7 (creator of myths and animals) A year and a half ago, the initial version of this mod 2.3 was presented. This version is very different from the old one. This is a conti...
Requires [/b] V graphics! This is my ENB Series configuration file uses the low settings file by default. If you want better settings, then change the settings to the higher settings. This comes with an option to have the blue filter or to not...
CraZZZy Speedometer v.1.2 - a new, more advanced version of the speedometer. What's new? - Added limited fuel mod. - Added engine temperature indicator. - There was a nitro sensor. - The speedometer has become brighter and more beautiful. - S...
This script allows you to call for reinforcements on a truck and 2 hamers ("Backspace" + "U"). A total of 7 people will arrive. When they arrive, you can pick up the gear from the truck ("Y" on the red marker). The truck (it is marked with a green ma...
This mod allows the cj to eat without getting out of the car, for this, those eateries where there is an entrance need to drive up to the loudspeaker, the food selection menu will appear, switch between dishes left to right, select the spacebar, do n...