High-quality animation created by modmaker SpiritCZE , include 13 well-researched tricks for CJ. High-quality animation allows you to create very good and impressive bundles. Now CJ can boast of his skills. Installing ! To install, you need the C...
When you press R, everything around is filled with green, time slows down by 4 times and: 1) If you are on foot, then gravity weakens and you jump to longer distances, it turns off when you press R, when you get into a car and get into the water. 2...
Well, the time has come to change the previous parts of GTA "under GTA V" in exactly the same way as SA was changed under IV several years ago. Remember "square-headed" Niko from the trailer?) My more or less large mod for SA completely changes the...
This mod adds several features from the Assassin's Creed series: 1. Quick kills with a hidden blade. 2. Leap of faith. (Climb to the top, if "Press Backspace" appears, then CJ will make a leap of faith). 3. Pounce on people. (Target any person and pr...
The third and final version of my CLEO-script "Brothers at the bar", this time the script is completely finished. With him on Grove Street near the bar "Ten Green Bottles" there will be a party of brothers. What is present: -Four cars parked: Savann...
Are you tired of the bustle of the city? The constant beeping of cars? Noise in the street? Howling ambulance or police sirens? Or are you just creating an apocalypse-themed Storyline and need a completely empty city? Then this script is for you. N...
This mod allows you to purchase new houses throughout the state, just like in the original. Houses are located in districts: Las Colinas East Los Santos East Beach Market Richman Montgomery Las Paysadas Battery Point Wharf (Bayside) Now in every di...