When you press TAB, two people from the San Fierro Rifa gang appear in front of you. If you want to see their fight, then press Ctrl, CJ will wave his hand and a fight will begin. For beginners, the script will be useful.
Author: LixoN These missions are fully completed but not included in my project. There are only 8 missions in the archive.... Missions tell about an ordinary man, Mark, who flew from the East Coast to Los Santos. There he is met by his friend Joe, ...
The mod replaces the spray can with a new one with the inscription "SAMP 0.3a", and the graffiti on Groove street with a new one with the inscription "San-Andreas Multi-Player".
Part 3 of Fred's Mad War: Liberty City is already captured by the White clan, but the Arabs still hold 1st street. A squad led by Captain Rogers is sent to LBS 11 days after the events of FMW 2 and 7 days after the events of MW: Tank theft. 2 mission...