"The Desert Tales" is my new creation, which I have been preparing for almost half a year. The story follows Dan, one of the most important members of the Falcone clan, once the greatest gang in the San Andreas desert. Dan returns from Vice City afte...
Interested? Then listen! Tenpenny instructs Carl to kill a certain Ponchino, who will soon be arrested by the LSPD. Ponchino can testify against Tenpenny. You need to kill Ponchino. Benefits of the Voice acting from the original game quality...
Script for launching missiles with autoguidance. The script does not work on all planes and helicopters (only works on Shamal, Rustler, Dodo, Maverick, Leviathan), but if you know CLEO scripting, then you can easily fix it. To fire from a helicopte...
This is a bayside property. It is a mansion similar with Tony Montana's from Scarface movie. There are 2 bedrooms, 2 living rooms and CJ's office with a small jacuzzi and opportunity to save the game. The is also a black huntley parked outside the m...
80s Atmosphere Vegetation 0.1 Features: Quality models; Excellent textures; Quality vegetation; Does not spoil the atmosphere of the game. Enjoy the game. ...
This mod adds neon stripes to some objects. LS: add a few neon around the center of the city. SF: add neons to main city area and Jizzy Club LV: add neons stripes to buildings at both side of main street. How to install: Put "Neon objects" f...
You stand on a marker near the groove (the map is in the archive) and ask how much you will take (from 10,000 bucks to 30,000 bucks). Three days later, an interest-free loan takes money from you. Good game.
RAPTOR Sniper Rifle is a sniper rifle found in the Serious Sam . Based on a real-life German-made Heckler & Koch HK41 rifle. The model is a direct conversion of weapons from Serious Sam: The Second Encounter , with improved textures and min...