Title: CJ's house on Las Colinas Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move the CLEO folder to the game folder. Description: This mod adds a new home for CJ, where you can: save, take weapons, restore hp, take armor, select vehicles -...
A pack of weapons from the Second World War. (From my GTA Call of War mod). These are: STG44, Molotov cocktail, Panzerschreck. Features: 1) Own icons 2) Sitting in the hands of 3) Medium quality textures Rate! ...
The second version of the mod that opens Dup's apartment B. Changes in the second version: * Now a tuned Camper will stand near the house. * The exit from the apartment is now through the door (in the first version, the exit was using the keys). * No...