You left the train for 500 meters, but that's bad luck - the train disappeared! No problem! This mod will fix the bug. Installation: First, copy the train.cs file to the CLEO folder, then copy the ctrltraindestroydist.ini file, also to the CLEO fold...
Good afternoon everyone. This mod completely changes melee and firearms in GTA SA, with some exceptions. The mod includes CLEO scripts, modified parameters, models and textures, as well as sounds. The weapon models were taken from the beta, previous...
That vile aggressive electric fish from Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter . Replaces the dolphin, so that it can be seen at sea without any problems. Not dangerous. But if you want to make it dangerous, the...
Desert_eagle pack for GTA SA in archive 1.92FS 2.desert eagle 3.RAGING BULL envelope from Rainbow Six Vegas author:enzor666 studio GMS Attention!!! This file is exclusive sites and ...
A married couple, driving through the countryside, accidentally drowned their car in the river. They called the police and a tow truck to pull the car out of the water, as well as their friend to take them home... But don't think that this is a simpl...
By order 4ever4ever1 One moderator from ( it's him ) decided to have a party at Toreno's house. The next morning it turned out that not only did he not remember the party, but he also managed to pretty much spoil the nerves of some...
Interior Teleport Menu for GTA San Andreas. Teleports your player and your car (if you are in it). All interiors of the game are in the menu. Some interiors are not used by the game or are only used in cutscenes. How to install: Extract teleint.c...