The archive has two versions with and without a sight. In the hands sits quite well. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- You can distribute freely with the condition that you indicate the authors (S.T.A.L.K.E.R...
In this ENB, I tried to make the game brighter and more saturated, but without smearing areas, the result is a beautiful ENB that has nothing superfluous!
Automatically switches the radio to your "favorite" station (in this case MP3 Player). If Winamp is running and in the playback state, the radio is turned off.
Hello dear users of, now I want to present you a bright, colorful, juicy and rich ENB. Since it's summer now, I made a summer ENB for SAMP. In setting: DoF (He's fine tuned) Reflections (refined to maximum reality) ColorMod Weak Motionblur Ther...
Myths Maker - Animals Pack (mod de animais) Update from 06/27/2021: - Adaptation of the modification for the new version of Myths Maker; - Added new animals with new animations. By Tarzan_3. The modification adds animals to the game, namely: chi...
A new collection that replaces all the vegetation in the game. It can compete with the "Project Oblivion" mod. This assembly has better textures and plant models. Try it - it's a great mod.
This is my second mod, this time UMP45 from Battlefield Bad Company 2. I made a version with and without a silencer. He holds it in his hands perfectly, the fire is exactly from the muzzle (in the version with a silencer there is a small flaw), the ...