Итак,мой первый мод(не судите строго,окай?)Вот он настоящий гангстерский полуавтомат,не самый лучший,но для черного гетто в самый раз,не очень мощный,да ещё и разброс сильный,но ниггеру СиДжи он понравится!:D Так -what to download without hesitation...
Considering how some people didn't like my previous version of the "Conspirative hideout" script, I decided to make a new one. Here are all the changes: 1. Instead of red markers, yellow arrows will now show off. 2.Now you can save in the most "secre...
MP5A2. Features: Low Poly model - compliance with all the canons of the atmosphere of our favorite game. Author: bins14. Exploitation: The MP5A2 is primarily used by police officers due to its versatility. Weapons are also common among army engineer...
Captain America CLEO Mod for GTA San Andreas. |||||||||||||How to use the mod|||||||||||||| ---------------------------------------------- 1. Enter CAPT to activate the mod. 2. You will jump much faster and jump much higher if you have spacebar (spr...
Maud replaces a wretched basketball court near CJ's house. All HQ textures (from 512x512 px). The lines on the asphalt are very similar to real ones, however, like the asphalt itself. The grass and wall textures have also been replaced. Leave comment...