This storyline tells the story of the racer John. At first, things are going well for him, but then everything gets worse. John has his own mentor, who is responsible for the race, but this mentor is almost killed at one point. You can find out w...
San Andreas Federal Mint HD Textures 2024 This modification, improves the textures of the Federal Mint in San Fierro. Features: High quality textures; Does not spoil the atmosphere of the game. Enjoy the game. ...
very simple and uncomplicated mission. you need to come, climb onto the roof, kill the dude who is standing below with a rifle, take his suitcase. then, like, his brothers will come, they also need to be soaked, and then get to their friends on their...
I wanted to make a detailed history of Claude from GTA III, later I abandoned DYOM, today I found this archive, here I post what you would like to play in my last DYOM missions ..
Here are my new DYOM missions (from 2nd to 6th) about businessmen who do not pay their workers wages (I posted the first mission before). Chases, shootouts with police and workers, storming the police station, shooting at the factory. In a word, the ...
My second mission, here is a link to my first mission and compare it with this one. Do not judge strictly, I'm still a beginner, thanks for your attention!