Plot: In this mission you play as Max Johnson. One morning, Alex (Max's friend) called and said that some professor named Mike created an apparatus that creates clowns, and these clowns kill people. You need to go to Area 51 (the professor's laborato...
Hello everyone, I want to introduce you to Ax Melee from Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Zombies. Features: - High quality model and textures; - Support for Normal Map from DK; - Well lies in the hand; - The model is stable in the game; - Has its o...
AK-47 from Uncharted 4 for GTA San Andreas. Features: - Model of high quality; - High quality textures; - Correct position in the hands; - Own icon; - Supports Normal Map from DK; The author of the model is Naughty Dog; The author of the rip is E...
Speed Radar Gun v1.0 Now you can find out the speed of a car passing by you. To do this, you need to enter the cheat "RADARGUN" (it is also turned off through this cheat). Then just point the gun at the car and its speed will be written above it....