Genre: Action. Plot: William, the father of the protagonist, died during a deal with a certain Matt. As Johnny grew up, he had a desire to take revenge on the man who killed his father. Dear DYOMers and guests of Liberty City! This is my first proje...
This modification replaces English HUD elements with Russian Cyrillic ones. All English icons have been replaced with Russian ones, based on the HUD of the mobile version. I know that there is a HUD from SanLTD, but it is in poor quality and only...
Hello everyone. I've been wanting to post this modification for a long time, but never got around to it. This modification replaces the textures of weapons from cutscenes with a more improved version of them. The changes can be seen in the screensh...
This mod improves the appearance of the game by replacing the textures of street lamps and road signs with better ones. It adds atmosphere and realism, especially at night or during rain. What the mod adds: Updated lamp textures : make street ...