A mysterious story about the most silent killer in America - Alex. One fine night, the director of a car factory dies, who recently lost his best worker. Dylan receives a call from Officer Alan saying that the director's corpse has been found. Dylan ...
Mission about how the Triads were destroyed. Model of special forces and weapons in a folder. To be continued. Have a good game! P.S. Luckily there are enough first aid kits.
One fine day (not for everyone) one person who worked at a construction site was late for work. But instead of simply firing him, the authorities wanted to kill him. But the worker does not give up, fights for his life. He decided to take his documen...
Another one of my old missions from October 8, 2011 . The missions are told from a well-known weapons dealer - About Emmett. Events unfold before the arrival of Sidoji in San Andreas. At first, Emmett is engaged in the hashish and heroin trade, but ...
I also decided to post my mystical missions. Plot: One young teenager lived in a very small village in the forest. He was told that there was a forest beyond the Extinct River and a maniac killer lived there. The boy decided to show himself, to kill...