Genre: Post-apocalyptic Plot: You are the main character - Luka, he lives like a "hermit", not recognized by anyone or not recognized by himself, he lives not for himself, but for "humanity" in this cruel world ... Saving people in a difficult sit...
There's a new gang of Lasers in Los Santos. Gang members wear black and white, the gang is located in the areas of Market, El Corona, Commerce, Vinewood. Often at war with Aztecas and Vagos. They carry bats, pistols and Uzis. They often ride on Green...
The Husky film "Psychotronics" in a slightly different format. The main feature is a professional and high-quality voice acting. The protagonist is powerless in the face of danger. He learns about the world's evil - ruthless psiop. Tester - HenryMar...
GTA Mini Myths: La llorona The story of the myth: a girl drowned her children and is now doomed to eternal suffering and the search for her dead children. You can find this girl in the Castillo del Diablo area, from 22:00 to 05:00. When you are the...