In a dark and dangerous Los Santos, Frank Delgado, an insurance company employee and veteran of the Panama conflict, lived with his girlfriend Anna. However, his world turned into a nightmare when Frank found her lifeless one cold evening. Filled wi...
It's time to go to war with them ballas with Palestine on your side. This modification will add palestine stickers, tags, etc to CJ's garage at the grove. Features: HQ Textures; 6 Different Designs; LQ Included; No Bugs. v 1.1 - 1 new...
Well, three bandits think who to rob? And then a fat man is dancing nearby! Well, they wet him! And it turned out that this is the boss of the special forces! Well, the massacre begins!
PP-2000 is a Russian 9-mm submachine gun developed by a team of designers from the Tula Instrument Design Bureau (academician V.P. Gryazev, specialists B.I. Kuznetsov and A.I. Rasskazov). The patent for the design was obtained in 2001, but it was fi...
The script allows you to pathetically blow up everything that is in the game. If you are in a car, then when you enter the BOMB cheat, you have 5 minutes to accelerate and jump out of the car, then time will slow down by 2 minutes. If you walk on foo...
Cartridges-Money from Metro Last Light for GTA San Andreas. Replaces standard paper money. Features: * High-quality model and textures. This mod is suitable exclusively for fans of the Metro universe. If you don't like the idea, etc. - we pass by....
My settings: So I decided to share my settings. Description: ******************************************************* *************** In weapon.dat: Damage increased, weapon slots changed: [0 slot] - Fist, Brass knuckles. [1 slot] - Bat, Stick, Ca...
Party! - the first part of four. Four friends decide to have a good time, but under the influence of alcohol and other drugs, they accidentally enter a series of events that will change their lives. The first part is just beginning to introduce us to...