This modification is a unique opportunity to diversify the already familiar game world of your San Andreas. Almost the entire fleet has been replaced, and the new models were selected on the basis of two principles: they should be as close as possib...
This small graphics mod brings back the graphics of the PS2 version of the game. It includes: PS2 Timecycle; Sun PS2; PS2 reflections. (effect.asi); Grass PS2. Mod authors: Sun, time cycle - Rockstar Games, Silent; Grass PS2-...
Converted street textures from PS2. Were taken by inadequate from Arkai's mod PS2 Graphics For PC to fix some billboards and other textures. It is worth noting that these are only textures, that is, there are no changes on the map, such as removed...
Rejoice lovers GTA Controllers gamepads. This mod allows you to play with a gamepad in San Anderas without unnecessary dancing. Inside there is a preset for button settings in the manner of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Instructions for installation ...
This mod adds the hood of GTA IV to GTA San Andreas. Almost everything is like in IV (see screen.jpg) , including the life bar and armor around the radar , weapon icons , phone and other nice little things . Changes : |v1.2 (2008.09.28) - Fix...
The script for the atomic explosion and its consequences press Ctrl+N this script allows you to order an atom bomb! after the order, a fighter jet should fly over you and drop an atom bomb. After that, everyone will explode and all people will die. W...
The second version of the famous parkour mod! Now CJ can forever melt on his hands! New tricks added! Video mod:
start a new game, while playing, hold down V (camera), ! will appear! an inscription with the specified mission number, buttons Y (positive answer) and N (negative answer) change it by selecting the one you need without releasing V, press Tab. Miss...
Hello gentlemen! Today I am glad to present you my mod, which replaces weapons from GTA SA with those in GTA V. This is not the entire arsenal from GTA V, but most of them. Installation: - Copy folders from "GTA V WEAPON PACK" to "MODLOADER" or "GT...