M98B to replace sniper. Quality model. Quality textures (by Mr. BrightSides New icon. He sits in his hands. New sight reticle (in the archive there are 7 more types of reticle of your choice). weapon.dat settings (why didn't I make 5 rounds in the ...
The ability to shoot cars, the second version. In this version, the shortcomings of the previous version of the mod were fixed. First change: in order to shoot cars, you need to enter the cheat: "BUL". Second: you have to be armed, one of 8 weapons:...
This script adds a little realism! Now if you come to the main entrance to the military base, the gate will open automatically! You just need to approach them and wait until they are fully opened!
Features: - Modification includes: - Improved reflections; - Colors have become softer; - Softened shadows; - Everything has become cleaner and more beautiful; - Improved visibility.