New textures for Mark's Bistro in Liberty City v. 1.1 final Changed external textures, interior, snow and road. You can get to Liberty City during the mission, or through s0beit or other similar mods. Place on other sites only with the permission of ...
Here is my second version of the "Cursed Forest" mod, in this version I revived the village, and added a car. Our old friends Vova and Sery have already appeared in the forest, in the place with Leatherface they will kill everything in their path... ...
micro_uzi and tec9 pack for GTA SA in archive micro_uzi 1.MAC-11 2 versions 2.MP9 2 versions tec9 1.MP-7A1 envelope from Rainbow Six Vegas author:enzor666 GMS studio Attention!!! This file is exclusive sites and gta-enzor666.my1.r...
About the modification: This modification provides the following capabilities: 1.Get/remove 2 weapons, you must hold any of the weapons listed below in your hands and press the Z button 1)9mm pistol 2) ultrasound 3) sawn-off shotgun 4)tek 9 ...
Alice has been working as an FBI agent for four years now and so far she has shown herself to be a role model for all her other colleagues. Any task that was given to her, she always brought it to the end. Verona has extensive experience in infiltrat...
This is my first script. It doesn't do anything special, it just adds people and vehicles to the farm, making it a bit more realistic. If you like it, then I will supplement the script.
This mission tells how some drunk farmer caught Kenny; impatient of this, Kyle, Cartman and Stan decide to avenge their friend's death. model author: kal-el5676)
At the sawmill in Red County, there are killers, they are very dangerous, be careful... There are three skins in the archive: Author Majini(in place of sweet'a)- SHADOWBEAST Author of the 1st Leatheface(In place of ryder'a) Dakulrz Author of the ...