New weapons for GTA San Andreas - 4141 files
Bat from Resident Evil 5
Envelope from Resident Evil 5
- Good texture quality
- Fits well in the hand
Shovel from Resident Evil 5
Envelope from Resident Evil 5
- Good texture quality
- Fits well in the hand
5.45 RPK-74M
5.45 Kalashnikov Light Machine Gun "RPK-74M"
- Two versions of
- Correctly lies in the hands of CJ and other characters
- Muzzle flash in place
- Custom icon present
Fedorov assault rifle, envelope from Deadfall
Fedorov assault rifle, envelope from Deadfall Adventures.
- the position in the hands is normal.
- the icon has been replaced.
Mercy from Darksiders II
Pistol from Darksiders II, to replace the Desert Eagle
-The icon was made by
- Under the arms set up (although it seems somehow huge)
-Shot effect changed for all 4 barrels
Set of sniper rifles
Sniper Rifle Pack:
(KVSK, OSV ,TsZ 500, M24)
-Good quality.
-Textures 512x512 and above.
-4 sniper rifles to choose from to replace sniper.dff sniper.txd
5.45 Kalashnikov assault rifle AK-74M
An upgraded version of the AK-74. In the archive you will find two options, with and without GP-25 "Bonfire", respectively.
Replacing the old mini gun with the KORD machine gun. We look at the screenshots and evaluate. Have a good game.