New textures for GTA San Andreas - 2716 текстурные моды
Mural with Mai
Mural Mai Sakurajima
This modification will add a new mural to the game.
Enjoy the game.
Mural Super Mario in horror style
Mural Super Horror Mario
This modification, will add a new mural with Mario in the style of horror movies.
Enjoy the game.
New roads in Los Santos
The new food trucks
[V] Vending Machines
This modification, replaces the old apparatus with food, on better quality.
Enjoy the game.
Little Alien Bar v1.1
[1K] Lil Probe Inn 1.1
This modification, improves the Little Alien bar that you can find in the desert. It also adds new objects near it.
Enjoy the game.
Abandoned garage in Doherty
HD textures of skyscrapers in Dougherty 2024
San Fierro Skyscrapers HD Textures 2024 Part 2.
This modification, updates the textures of skyscrapers in San Fierro.
Enjoy the game.
Pond slider
Improved broken car glass
Now, when damaged, car windows become more detailed and broken.
More small pieces of glass and stripes are visible. The glass seems very cracked, which distorts those sitting inside, as in real life.