Plot: 1980 3 gangsters - Johnny Dilinger, Skull Long and Red Boulevard robbed banks and fled from Los Santos to San Fierro. One of them decides to take the power of the local mafia, and they succeed. But they did not know that the Templars were i...
Hello. Here is my very large project, which I was engaged in 6 days. 14 missions where full as "ECHE" and the plot. Plot: In 2000, the US led a terrible tyrant, his actions were inculcated in the most terrible, bloody civil war. The US Army i...
The mission is simple and clear. You are playing Elvis. You need to kill the mafia leader. First you need to steal a business card from his employees on which the address of this leader is written. Installation: In order for the mission to work, you...
Missions about Officer Hernandez and his fun life (I will not retell the plot because it will not be interesting, just download and play. (those who like to shoot will like it) Maybe I will make a sequel if you like it? etc. 4 missions in total WARNI...
The Wilsons is a series by Howard Burgess that raved Vinewood critics. Everyone agrees that “this is the best series showing the daily life of a family from Vinewood. The combination of comedy and crime, seasoned with a pinch of drama - that's what p...
A mission that tells about the invasion of Chinese troops in the United States. You are the commander of a small detachment, a sergeant in the US National Guard. On the radio, you learned about the landing and now hurry to the town nearby to help the...