Plot: Civil war, separatism, rebellion of the people's militia. A group of former military ground forces of the US Army captures a small, lost somewhere in the depths of the desert, in the state of "Arizona" - "Moldy Town". The unit commander stand...
Tom Riley returns from Liberty City, where he worked as a bodyguard for one of the underground arms dealers, back to San Fierro. A year ago, his mother died, and his brother, Jack, is not himself. After returning, everything seems to be getting bette...
The mission is about a killer who works for a secret agency and fulfills orders from clients. You are James Crete and must kill the head of the Lotus triad. The passage is quite interesting, if you like it, I will make a continuation.
Plot: You are a SWAT fighter and you need to eliminate a corrupt FBI agent who is going to sail away from San Andreas on a ship, along with several terrorists. Your task: Destroy the crew, Kill the agent and leave the ship. (The mission is a bit sim...
''Don't eat powdered sugar!" This is a story about a fat man called "Bernie". his doctor told him about his health problems and Bernie decides to take him seriously, but he is prevented from doing so by the waiter from the diner.Why does the waiter...
Outset: In the city of Wuhan in 2019, a dubious experiment took place, as a result of which the Coronavirus appeared. This virus killed John, the only scientist who knew everything about the coronavirus. And now three of his colleagues - Robert, T...
" Remaining largely the same thing, George Wick is now perceived ... very differently. if then it was a monument to the joint DYOM-labor, now it is rather a monument to ru-DYOM as a whole. At least, that part of it, whose representatives tried thei...