Genre: Post-apocalyptic. Plot: The main character, Luka. He is like a "hermit", not recognized by anyone, he himself is engaged in farming, he lives for himself in a cruel world. But at a difficult moment, his uncle saves him, whom Luka has already ...
They did not suspect that they were being followed, they thought that their life would be joyful and happy, but then he appears - a killer who wants to finish his job. Who gives him assignments? Features: - New Skins from Santal and Filin Online. - U...
Dyom's biggest mission! Here you will save CJ's house, clean up the abandoned desert airport and the biggest mountain! In the finale you will capture Caligula's largest casino! You will fight the final boss 2 times! There are a lot of enemies!
To be continued: The sheriff, inspecting the garage, discovered the corpse of a young policeman who left a note warning him not to go into town. But our hero has nothing left and he decides. But before that, he needs to find a weapon, a gun is not...
This is my version of the continuation of the storyline. Maybe I'll do another part of the continuation of the story. And by the way: I looked at the inspectors and others on the Internet, and I saw perfectly well that the word Bugs is written like t...
Continued missions about "House2" . The main characters found themselves in the very center of a dangerous military situation. Will they be able to get out of the war zone entirely? Missions use given font . Recommended for installation...
Los Santos. the 14 th of July. Luis finally gets promoted and is now working with partner William. And now a new case - drug dealers "Hot-Shot" moved from Mexico to Los Santos and began to trade in drugs. Now the detectives need to find and arrest th...
Night shift taxi driver in Las Venturas. Driving around the city and delivering passengers to their destination, he may inadvertently encounter various little stories that happen to other road users. This night was no exception. The mission is a sma...