Plot: This story tells us about a man whose fate is such that troubles often happen to him. And then one day he is forced to leave his job as a detective. He is suspended because during the operation foolishly the hostage Lieutenant Janet dies. Aft...
So. Since skins of people from Half-life 2 have recently appeared on the site, I decided to make missions to them. I did it for a long time, and they turned out to be quite good quality. In the archive, I collected all the necessary models. P.S: Than...
Do you think the power is in words? Do you think that power is in power? No, strength is in the will. This project explains how militant groups take over settlements and important facilities, and how the US army in Turkey is trying to stop them. ...
Missions about infection. Niko leaves the house and sees his friend Jack and is suddenly attacked by his old friend Gordon. And what happened, you will find out further in the missions.
Episode Two. If you played the original, I say right away: I started with the second mission. -------------------------------------------------- ---- P.s.: Here is a list of sites filled with information about HL2 & GTA:SA in general: http://g...
May 23: The President of the United States of America, elected by a free and democratic people for the 8th term of his presidency, is in disarray as the peaceful and tranquil life of ordinary people is disturbed by the Nazis, who have seized control ...
Hello, dear users of I present to your attention my project "Resistance". There is a revolution in San Andreas. People who no longer intend to tolerate an evil dictator, raising taxes, which they believe is a bad attitude on the p...
Good day! I present to you my first DYOM mission. Description: Mission Name: "More Than Flour" Plot: This story is about a guy named Lopez. He's just a regular Liverpool (Los Santos area) huckster who works for a low-profile drug dealer named L...