Lotto - Now you can play the lottery in the game, in the city of LS near Glen Park there is one office, which is completely intended for other purposes. There you will find a marker, stand on it and enter a number from 0 to 10, the number 10 itself i...
This is my first script! A pervert is dancing near CJ's house! He is aggressive, but not dangerous (there are no immortal maniacs). He is armed with a dildo, but he is afraid of firearms! Download and comment!
A married couple, driving through the countryside, accidentally drowned their car in the river. They called the police and a tow truck to pull the car out of the water, as well as their friend to take them home... But don't think that this is a simpl...
The script adds a drug den to Northstar Rock. There are two people who grind cocaine, as well as security and a small plantation of weed. The car is attached. If you hit or shoot at the guards, they will shoot back.
Mod adds the end of the world in san andreas! To turn on the end of the world press num + During the end of the world, people will run in panic, cars will explode, and from time to time meteorites will fall that will demolish everything in their pat...
As promised, I added a save to the base on Mount Chilliad. I didn't find any bugs on XP. There are crashes at 7, but when you go back into the game and select the save, it will load.
So my second version of the busy zone 69 came out. Vehicles were added at the top, but at the bottom there is a fully animated laboratory that is guarded. Once there through the marker near the gate, there is no way back, or die or give up.