If any of you are familiar with the Jumping Sandking modification, then this is the second version of the script. The script gave the Sandking off-road vehicle a new ability when pressing TAB: it jumped over the ground with its own hydraulics and lan...
Being next to transport (except railway transport) and pressing the J key (Russian O), you can view all the extras of this transport (if it has them). The second version added: The extra number is not set by random selection from a given ra...
This script adds a powerful hud to your aircraft. Here are just some of its functions: - Determination of missiles and other aircraft - Definition of runways - Localization - Scope, accurate targeting graduation - Speed, compass, steer...
Everyone who has played FAR CRY 2 knows this possibility: if the car is damaged, you can go up, open the hood and fix it. Now CJ can do exactly the same. If the car you are driving has an accident, or just gets damaged, feel free to get out of it, go...
I posted it separately. Now it is not necessary to go to the ends of the world to find one or another type of transport, just call any type of transport in the game that you wish. Personally, I use this script often.