Plot: The main character Jack, after his last robbery, tries to forget about crime. Jack's family is falling apart and there is nothing special to do, but his friend comes to Jack to ask for help to steal a car. Jack agrees and when they come to the place, Niger Diego meets and then introduces Joe. (After the mission). So these three want to rob a bank in LV.
Bugs: There are bugs in the mission, for example, in the mission "Bank Robbery" - partners on the roof will not want to get into the helicopter. You must fly and fly to pick them up. In the second mission, a bug with the character. Well, other minor bugs
Installation: Install skins from the "Skins" folder to the modelsgta3.img root folder via the Crazy IMG Editor. DSL folder includes storyline missions, transfer all files in DSL to "My Documents|GTA SA User Files|DSL". SD is responsible for the Soundtrack. To do this, we transfer all the files to the same path only SD. Installation completed, you can play.
P.S.: My first serious mission, do not judge strictly