The final pack of the Cranberry Special Forces in the style of SA. the Composition includes: the same Officer with a beret (the beret has been redone), Heavy armor fighter (prototype - Tachanka from Rainbow six) Hooded Sniper (prototype - Scout from Battlefield 4) Sniper in panama hat (prototype - Soldiers of the USSR Armed Forces during the Afghan war) Medic (prototype - Stormtrooper from Battlefield 4) variations: Les - dressed in "Bhutan" camouflage, the sniper is dressed in a "birch" with a hood and has a disguise on his face, the officer wears a maroon beret. City - Dressed in fictional city camouflage, hooded sniper with no facial disguise, officer wears a black beret. Desert - dressed in "Afghan", the sniper wears a panama hat and sunglasses, the officer wears a blue beret.