Description. Босс Ниггер. Genre: comedy (not trash), action. Now in Los Santos there is a new "Black Lord", his name is Босс Ниггер.
You will: Sell drugs; Collect tribute from prostitutes; Arrange shootouts with cops, Latinos, etc.
Waiting for you: Many comical situations; "Black" soundtrack.; Hardcore action; The atmosphere of the life of the "King of the Ghetto".
Внимание- это не полноценная история, скорее нарезка лучших моментов из жизни Босса Ниггера. All testers are listed in the mission "Epilogue".
Shortcomings. In the 3rd mission, there is a moment when you need to approach Latona, and in the cutscene she can be scared away by a car. 50/50 chance. In the mission "Birthday". Upon arrival at the apartment, on the couch with the girl, a random ped can sit.