New business. Christian and John are on their way.
Password for the archive: libertycity
dfiles.euDownloadPassword for the archive: libertycity
New business. Christian and John are on their way.
A small piece of history
Here is a new case for Christian and John. There was a murder of four young people on the farm. The killer is a teacher, he killed for money, so someone ordered this to happen. Is it all about reputation or money? Yes maybe. Christian and his partner John went to the scene of the crime, to the farm. Detective Merkley with gray hair and in eyepieces is conducting this case, revealing the whole essence of the picture. Then someone takes over the port in Los Santos.
Game Requirements:
1. DYOM 8.1
2. Font
Новое дело. Кристиан и Джон в пути.
Маленький отрывок из истории
Вот и новое дело у Кристиана и Джона. На ферме случилось убийство четверых человек, молодых. Убийца — это преподаватель, убил за деньги, стало быть, заказал кто-то чтобы это случилось. И всё это из-за репутации или из-за денег? Может, да. Кристиан со своим напарником Джоном выехал на место преступление, на ферму. Детектив Меркли с сединой и в окулярах ведёт это дело, раскрывает всю суть картины. Потом кто-то захватывает порт в Лос-Сантосе.
Требования к игре:
1. DYOM 8.1
2. Шрифт
3. CLEO 4
Recommended files

Explore Mod - New explosion effects and more

New abandoned airport and revamped desert

New IMFX effects and graphics

New Nitrous, Tires and Reverse whine sounds

New binco and adjacent store on Grove Street

Alpha: Joe and Stanley are making a movie

New bat, knife and molotov cocktail

New Weapon Sounds and Settings by NoxchoBoy

New roads, curbs and sidewalks in San Fierro

New Year, SIZZZ and Roosters

Plane and meteorite fell on Grove

New spray can and graffiti textures

New Textures Beach and Woods

III and VC Reflections On Cars