US military - a grouping from the modifications Secret Paths 2 and Fallen Star. Mercenary honor. The American military guarding the Dressing Room, since it is the Dressing Room that is considered the road to the Zone. They have under their control an air base, a checkpoint near the Cordon (in TT2 there is also a checkpoint near the cave) and the main base - the Military Town. They have a blue uniform, repainted "Beryll-5m". In each of the mods, in which there are different weapons, leaders and numbers. Troops sent by the UN Security Council to help establish cordons around the Exclusion Zone. The lion's share of the personnel of the contingents are American soldiers. Perform the same functions as regular units of Ukraine. The Fallen Star mod says they are a mixed JB/USMC battalion. Skins are made with high quality. You can use them in your stalker projects or DYOM missions. Skins work well in SAMP. Enjoy your game!