Summer set of clothes
Warm greetings to all!
Here is the summer set! Consists of 4 items: Panama Burrberry (previously), sleeveless vest with palm trees, beach summer shorts and Adidas flip flops. All clothes are excellent! If there are questions about the quality of the T-shirt, that they say "the quality is not very good, because the collar is not even and not well drawn" - guys, it's necessary, this is how I imagine the summer style. This piece replaces the Pro Laps's t-shirt. Next are the shorts. The quality is good, the colors are chosen for my taste, do not judge strictly (although judge as you see fit). Replaces the green shorts from the Urban store. Slides Adidas. The quality is excellent, 3 classic stripes on the sole and, if you look closely, you can see 3 more stripes on the harness (I forgot the correct name). These "slaps" are replaced by slates from Binko.
Well, here's a set. In the summer, I plan to make a bomb out of several dozen top clothes: T-shirts, caps, sneakers, sweatshirts, jackets, etc.
Well, that's all, I hope you liked the set.
All pis, guys.
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