Hello everyone! I tried to finalize another mod: "Resident Evil 3". Due to the peculiarities of the mod, the revision came out more modest. Here is the list of changes:
1. Added support for widescreen monitors (Author: ThirteenAG), HD map and HD menu (Author: Leonid Omichev).
2. Since this mod is presented in the form of a "zombie apocalypse", I completely removed the radio and some sounds, but there will still be no background music. Instead, the sound of a walkie-talkie will be heard intermittently.
3. Fixed text errors (such as grammatical errors in dialogs, save name, etc.).
4. Added such mods as: SkyGrad (Author: Wesser), Overdose Effects V1.5 (Author: Function-X), new timecyc (Authors: Tinrion, MartyMcFly), particle from Advanced Graphic Mod 1.0 (Author: MaKs_IV).
5. Removed the main paths of pedestrians and cars, and also removed the markers for entering the interiors (since the mod in the form of a "zombie apocalypse") and marked inactive elements with a yellow icon.
6. Added a "riot" mode for the realism of the "zombie apocalypse" (Author: HAuS).