DESCRIPTION: This script allows you to visually "set" any object by coordinates, transport, camera position in any angle and save having coordinates to a file, which makes it convenient to use the saved coordinates for your purposes
In this version, the coordinate mode is available only for vehicles, other modes - for the camera and the object are still in development, but the script will be updated soon, which will embed the rest of the modes in the script There is a built-in auto update function If a new version is available, the script will be automatically updated. The script comes with a configuration file that contains many settings for the script to work with.
To move / rotate the transport, there are two coordinate shift modes that will be automatically activated based on the current surface.
More information, as well as control methods, are described in the README located in the
Recommended version of CLEO 4.3!
For all other questions, please contact the official group VK