An unusual gang of thugs-thugs in an ordinary crime city instill fear and horror in the hearts of all the inhabitants of Los Santos. The leader of the "Hoods" group kidnaps a person respected in his circles - a priest. Without demanding a ransom for it and using it for their own personal purposes. Lieutenant of the Los Santos Police Department, Logan Connors, endlessly suffering from insomnia, will have to figure out the crime he has committed. A seemingly ordinary case turns out to be much more complicated and confusing than you might think...
Game Information:
>Game name:"Hoods" >Genre:Detective thriller with elements of Action (Shooter) >Author:Alonso Lopes >Release year:2015
>Linear plot. >Two sides - you have to play for two heroes: >Storyline. >Sound accompaniment.
I would like to express my special thanks toArtur$MDandIndra P.for quality character models. Without them, the game would not have turned out so expressive and expressive.