Pilot Job 2.0
Hello everyone! On June 22 last year, once again returning to scripting, I presented you the first work of the fourth scripting season - the first version of "The Pilot's Work". Now in the fifth season, I present to you the second version of this modification, it has become even better. I hope you will like it.
You will be able to work as a pilot and transport passengers between four airports (Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas, Las Venturas II (desert airport)) on AT-400, SHAMAL, NEVADA, BEAGLE aircraft and a LEVIATHAN helicopter. I also made a flight Las Venturas - Bayside - Las Venturas on a LEVIATHAN helicopter and, I don't know why, a very small flight El Quebrados - Fort Carson - El Quebrados on a SKIMMER aircraft, which can take off and land in the water.
Changes in the second version:
- added AT-400 flights between three major airports;
- Added flights Las Venturas - Bayside - Las Venturas by LEVIATHAN helicopter;
- Added flights El Quebrados - Fort Carson - El Quebrados by SKIMMER aircraft;
fast and easy
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