This script is intended for SAMP servers (usually - RP mode), which do not have filter scripts with animations, but they (as you think) are simply necessary. With this script, you don't have to ask the administrator to install this or that filter script to play around with animations. Just write the commands given in this script and you will play the animation. Animations see everything, maybe not the first time, but they see it for sure. This script is based on [FS]AnimList by OKStyle™ and [FS]Animations by ^Woozie^. Unlike the original, in this case there are about 20 more animations + special actions (such as smoking a cigarette, dancing or pulling out a phone). In addition to the standard GTA SA animations, there are also all the animations from the Hot Coffee mod.
ATTENTION: To work, you need the CLEO 4 library, as well as the SAMPFUNCS plugin. Links to them are given in the Readme.txt file