Mega GXT Coder 1.0

18 June 20231406367560_mega-gxt-coder-1.rar
Hi all! It's me again, but not with a script, but with a new program!
I recently released the program "Ukr2Gxt Coder" (similar to "Rus2Gxt Coder"), which allowed me to translate text in Ukrainian into an encoding for the Ukrainianizer that the game perceives. Realizing that few people need it, since few people adjust their game texts to others localization (language packs), especially in another language.And I thought: "What kind of program would I release that would be really useful to many people?", And I realized "We need a universal GXT encoder!"
And so, I present to you my second program "Mega GXT Coder"
To open tags, select the "Tags" item in the menu, there are two sub-items — color and button tags, respectively, select one of them, a new form with a listbox (list) will open, when you double-click LMB (Left mouse button), the tag is inserted in the text input field.
To translate the text into an encoding accepted by the game, select the language pack in the settings (localization from 1C will be the default), select the "From language" item, enter the text in the first field, click "Translate" and the text will appear in the second field, use the buttons " Copy translation" and "Clear" to copy the translation to the clipboard and to clear the fields, respectively.
In general, I think the program will be useful to someone, since there will be no need for 100,500 different programs, but all encodings in one program.
If there are any other language packs that you would like to see supported, write to the PM, and maybe in the next version (if there ever will be) I will add it.
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