Mod (script) allows you to take away change from passers-by! (from 0 to 5.000 $ - randomly). To take away the change you need to hold bat/brass knuckles, approach any ped (except cops and groove guys) and enter the cheat code 'MON'. If you try to enter a cheat, and next to it there is no one - an inscription will be displayed that there are no people nearby. If you try to rob the cops/groove guys - the inscription that "this ped can not be robbed." When robbed, passerby reaction will be randomly generated: -The passer-by will get scared, give you the money and run away. - The passer-by will send you and run away. -The passer-by will not be afraid and will simply send you, then Siji will intimidate him and there will again be a random reaction of the passer-by: - The passer-by will be frightened and will give you the money. -The passer-by will fight with you. Everything is accompanied by dialogues in Russian. Installing:
Mod author: vlad_sax I also want to say thank you Andre500 and xXx2o1o for a little help in creating the script. Attention: the CLEO library must be installed 4 MOD FORBIDDENSHARE ON GTAVICECITY.RU