Server script for changing the weather for the MTA trip mod. Parameters #weather0 (weather at the start of the map), #weather2 (weather 2 minutes after the start) and #weather4 (weather approximately 4 minutes after the start) are added to the meta.xml of the trip map. Fine-tuning weather changes may be necessary if, for example, there is an ascent on a grassy slope and rain is undesirable at this stage. The #weather4 weather remains until the end of the race. Omitting a parameter means random weather changes, and skipping #weather0 or #weather2 means a single random choice of weather at the time “0 minute” or “2 minute”. The script was developed for the KatastrofaS_Dag_Reality server, you can try to find it working there. If you don't find it, it means that ! works well!