/apanel (Camp-VL) 2. /capture (Camp-VL) 3. /admins (Camp-VL) 4. /time (Camp-VL) 5. /hpanel (Camp-VL) 6. Safe with weapons and drugs (Camp-VL) - Bagannaya (can't fix it) 7. Postman Job (NEW) 8. /get guns (Camp-VL) 9. Leaving the house on ALT ( NEW ) 10. Toy Store ( Advance-RP ) 11. Army Locker Room (Samp-Vl) 12. Buying drugs ( Samp-CRP ) 13. Made fences for the gas station, because many who wanted to hide from the FBI, they blew up the gas station 14. Removed MD5 password encryption 15. Commands /texrab /taxraboff (On/Off) 16. Donat system (Camp-VL) 17. TextDraw GPS (Advance-RP) 19. /mm ( Samp-CRP ) 20. New home monitoring + buying a home ( Samp-CRP ) 21. Registration/Authorization System ( Advance-RP ) 22. Pickup truck leaving the house ( Camp-VL ) 23. Online radio (Advance - RP) 23. /panel ( NEW ) 24. Character Upgrades ( Samp-CRP ) 25. MyReputation [MyRp] (Camp-VL) 26. /repair car /menu (Camp-VL) 27. Transport control menu ( Samp-CRP ) 28. /leaderlist [list of factions and their IDs] (Samp-CRP ) 29. /ao ( Advance - RP ) 30. Online Leaders [not finished yet :D] (Camp-VL) 31. New attendance statistics ( Samp-CRP ) 32. Warehouse monitoring [Who took what how much] ( Samp-CRP ) 33. Drawbridge SF [Red:D] ( NEW ) 34. Animation when talking (Camp-VL) 35. 36. Display District and Number of rooms when buying a house ( Samp-CRP ) 37. Code optimization up to: 56252 lines + objects 38. Tariff plan (you can't write SMS without it) 39. Exit on Arrest [+30 min imprisonment] ( Advance - RP ) 40. /anim [1-53] ( Samp-CRP) 41. /changecar [Car Exchange] (Samp-CRP) 42. /changehouse [Unfinished] (Samp-CRP) 43. /sethp (Samp-CRP) 44. /me /do /try ( Advance - RP ) 45. I added transport myself, because the author of the mod deleted it :D 46. Made a convenient admin panel