Our favorite site is currently hosting a summer fashion competition, and I decided not to miss the opportunity to participate in it. After spending an unforgettable night on my trusty laptop, I finally made a mod called "WaterGun". As you understand by the name, this mod will give you the opportunity to run around with a water pistol. Unfortunately, such a pistol will not be able to do any damage to your target, but it is a good way to scare random passers-by, cowardly members of enemy gangs, or police officers (although you can be awarded one star for hooliganism for this) To get a gun, type WATERGUN on the keyboard. To shoot from it, hold down the RMB, and then click on the LMB (you can also hold down). Finally, when you get tired of playing with the gun, just press F to put it away. It's onlyfirstmod version if there are suggestions forsecond In the meantime, download, rate and comment
P.S. In SA: MP, the mod does not work, because. designed for singles.