So, before you is the next version of my ENBseries settings specifically for SA-MP multiplayer, errors were taken into account, some changes were also made, namely: -Don't be afraid of the word, perfect Motion Blur. -Very weak and imperceptible DoF, but still smoothing the models in the game, which is pleasing to the eye. -Realistic reflections, not chrome and slightly blurry. -Fixed Colormod, now it's not so intense and it blends with the internal ENB Colormod. -Reduced the intensity of the shadows, now they are softer and more pleasing to the eye. -No "Soap", which was too much in the previous version. -Does not load the computer as much as the previous version. -Goes without lags on medium computers, verified. That's actually all, the rest will be said for me by the screenshots presented above. Thank you for your attention!