Modified Ganton [Ghetto Version] 1.0
Do you want a real ghetto life? Then this mod is for you!
The second version of the modified Grove-Street'a, which turns a boring area into a real Ghetto Ganton.
Main details:
Now there is more garbage and dirty walls. In different areas of Ganton you can find traffic cones, barrels, shopping carts, cardboard boxes and a sea of crooked pillars.
There are more rusty cars, perhaps because of the reconquest of "their" territories, the gangs used cars as shelters. Or just someone decided to indulge in their hammer cocktail.
There was an empty place where they wanted to add a house in the beta version of SA, but somehow it was not visible. Now this is fixed, there is a real house there.
They also found an empty space next to Denise's house, inhabited by trailers with a basketball hoop where Carl can leave the ball in the basket.
Edited a lot of objects that hung in the air or were part of the texture.
P.S. This is the first version of the ghetto area. In the next one I will add more garbage and dirt. Or maybe I will remake the entire eastern part of Los Santos like Compton.
fast and easy
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